Thursday, May 19, 2011

October 29, 2005

On that day, I did my trial sermon at St. Matthew C.M.E. Church here in Wichita Kansas. From that day my life was changed. I went from just liking church to LOVING church and God on a whole different level.

There has been up and downs, ins and outs, but I wouldn't change the last 6 1/2 years of my testi-ministry for ANYTHING.

SN: Testimony + Ministry = Testiministry!

Bubblin' at Brook Besor

Brief History: 1 Samuel 30: 1-25
David and his camp had been raided and God told him to get his stuff back. On the way there, they came to a brook. Brook Besor is where 200 out of David's 600 men rested while the other 400 and David went to find their wives and children and belongings the Amalekites had. After leaving the 200, they met up with this Egyptian slave dude who was punked by his Amalekite master and David and his boys fed him and watered him and ol' boy told them exactly where to go. The got there, got all they stuff back, including wives and children. The headed back to the brook, where the 200 were resting. 400 wanted to go toe to toe and David was like naw man! We can't be stingy with what God has given to us!

( you can read the scripture for yourself..that was the Jae note version, using the new living translation bible lol)


Now David and nem coulda fussed and waited for the other men to rest up cuz they were tired. Instead they plundered on and went about God's business. Had they waited, the Egyptian dude may have died and they would have no idea where to go. God just said go...he didn't give directions! Sometimes God does that with us...He tells us to go, with no other words but go. Some of us may fuss and whine, missing out on our egyptian who is placed to lead us to where He wants us to be. Others may step out on faith and just go...headed right into battle, yet gaining all that was yours and then some...just to come back to that darn brook....
where "they" sit....

Who are they? They are the ones who started out in the voyage with you, but stayed behind cuz they were tired...or They are the ones who claim to love God just as much as you do, trying to reach new levels, talking the talk...but they sit at the brookside...not walking the walk. They are the ones when times get hard, instead of running with you, they have your back....WAAAAAAY back...

Those of us who get done with battle, all bloody, torn clothes, out of breath, hot tired, and stanky, reach those who were sitting by the brook..all well rested, thirst quenched, feet propped up, clothes still together, maybe even sitting under a shade tree or splashing in the water... irritation, resentment, anger or any other feeling may come upon us...we're ready to fight again, but this time, it's cuz those folks expect us to share what we've just risked our lives for?? WHAT?!?! Man..just let them have their families and be gone....

Good ol David comes back in and stops the madness before it gets out of hand...Pastor Wolford made a clear point...although we may not like it sometimes..when God wins..all His people win...

so yes, the friend who did you wrong, the guy who hurt you, the girl who cheated, the boss who bugs you...they all win...for we are ALL God's children.

Now...there is nothing wrong with being at the brook...sometimes we get tired on our Christian journey and need to the same time...beware of being cocky in the resting place..sure you may reap all the benefits of battle., thinking you don't have to ever do anything...others went in and received and all you had to do was sit by some water and wait...BUT there will come a time where you will have to do battle..and in some instances, the battle may come to you. If you aren't ready, you might end up falling in the brook itself!

In reference to my status...sometimes you can't waste time trying to get folks to get up from the have to be like David and his men and press on and go...cuz if you don't, you may just miss your egyptian! This particular lesson was an eye opener, cuz I know I have several people sitting at the brook and I've been trying to get them to go with me...but everyone can't go where you're sometimes you just gotta leave people at Brook Besor...cuz waiting on them I will miss my season of reaping!

I hope this blog has opened some eyes and helped some of you in your walk with Christ!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Wedded Bliss?

Well, it's 6 weeks until the big shabang....I did forget to mention that I'm getting married June 25, 2011.  A whirlwind romance, and even whirl windier engagement.  God has one crazy sense of humor.  I've had some learning to do in this experience.  I'm glad to have my #1 Akevia and my Sissy by my side the whole time.  They really helps me to grab some sort of footing with this whole marriage thing.  Some days I'm ready to get married, some days I'm ready to kill him.  Some days I just wanna go see my Grandma Ida and lay under her until it all goes away.  But time after time I regain focus and remember who I am and WHOOOOOOS I am.  It'll all get better.

At least I hope it does!